Complete Lesson For Teaching Computer and Its Components

By Becky F

Teaching Computers may be boring for an adult but learning about computers is super fun for children. This lesson is designed to make these core yet complicated parts of the computer easy to understand. In this “teaching computer” Lesson PowerPoint slides, you will find child-friendly terminologies of these parts and their functions.

What is in the Lesson?

Our lesson slides have a brief but enough introduction to these terms for primary grade levels. However, apart from learning about the basic components of any computer, children must be able to see what it really looks like.

There are not many videos available for explaining the basic components of computer in a simple way, but this video is great for showing elementary grade students how computers work.

You can watch the preview of our lesson here before downloading our lesson's slides.

Download ppt Slides For This Lesson

Editable Lesson Slides included

Classroom Activity

As an activity, you can ask your students to draw a picture of what they think the inside of their computer looks like. Encourage them to show what they think makes the computer work. After listening to their ideas, you can use this ppt as a tool for explanation.

I hope this Resource for Teaching computers is helpful for you to develop and deliver a lesson to your students. You can also check out my other Lessons here.

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